To the Bars

On any given Wednesday-Saturday night, I often find myself asking the same question. Can I go out and drink, or would staying inside benefit me tonight? Well, I’ve broken my thought process down to a few essential steps which help me quickly and easily decide whether tonight is going to be a potentially interesting night or not. Obviously, this flow chart assumes that you’re 21 and can get into bars, but if for any reason you’re reading and you’re under 21 and wondering if it would be appropriate to drink tonight,feel free to also consult this chart (but skip to the most essential questions).


In case you wound up on the “consult the class attendance flow chart” option, consult it here. If not, I’ve done what I can to help you. If you’re a bar-goer, you should always know your bar tending staff. They’re your key to getting drunk on a budget, especially if you tip them well early on in the night. If a big crowd builds, they’ll probably start handing you free drinks, and that’s always a plus. My thoughts are, if you can afford to go to the bar and it won’t really affect your life the next day, why shouldn’t you? I’m assuming a lot of other people have more advanced thought processes than I do when deciding when to go to the bar, but like I said, these are just the basics. I’m a big fan of living minimally.

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